These devices have become so powerful that you can now manage your business entirely from your phone. You can take advantage of your phone’s powerful tools to manage customer service, communication between staff, human resources, etc. So, if you’re ready to make managing easier, try these three ways to run your business entirely through your phone.

1) Getting Paid, Sending Invoices And Making A Payment

There’s nothing more important for a business owner or a freelancer than getting paid. However, it’s become inconvenient to wait for a check in the mail. For example, an app like Paylinks enable you to create payment requests and share them through your preferred medium. It doesn’t matter if it is in a text, email, Slack or social media — all you have to do is share a link with your client or customer and await payment. Your phone speeds up the process and keeps track of your payment information in one spot. No more invoices on Microsoft Word or Excel; you can send invoices from your phone, detailing your preferred payment method. You can also send regular reminders if and when your customers don’t respond. And naturally, it is just as easy to make payments, too, so you never have to worry about outstanding bills.

2) Download Apps You Can Use Across Platforms

This is crucial if you like to work on the go. Say you’ve been working at home, and you want to squeeze in some work on the bus or the train. You can pick up where you left off if you’ve ensured you have all the same apps on your phone as you do on your computer. Google Suite, Slack, Office 365, and many more office staples offer mobile app versions you can download. These mobile-friendly options allow you to keep working; changes will update right away on your mobile device. Downloading the apps you need across all of your devices is vital to enable collaboration, too. This is the fastest way to receive files and communicate while you’re out of the office. You will never slow down work because a colleague can’t reach you. And if that colleague wants your input on some work, you can easily jump into a Google Doc on your phone.

3) Use Voice Technology

Responding to emails and messages consumes a lot of time — and it doesn’t feel that productive when it becomes overwhelming and you need to do other work. Many people find that by using voice technology like Siri or another virtual assistant, they can save loads of time by dictating their emails. They can reply more efficiently to emails and save time for work. You speak faster than you text, so take advantage of your phone’s ability to speed up communication on-the-go.

Final Thoughts

Using your phone to handle communication with employees, get paid, and work on-the-go only improves business operations. It might seem like a hassle to download programs, create accounts, and organize your phone to allows for more app space. However, you’ll love how much working from your phone increases your productivity over time. Consider making your phone your mobile office to make your life as a business owner easier. This is also a good opportunity to remove clutter on your phone; delete any apps you don’t use to make way for software that improves your business!

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