Do not reveal your whereabouts

Most people may have noticed that Facebook ads are well adapted for the user. Most of us have a laid-back attitude when it comes to creating a picture about ourselves online. When we do this, we leave traces that Facebook’s algorithms capture, and then they make sure to show us more of the same. Also, Facebook can know what you visit, when, and why. With cookies and advanced tracking systems, it is not difficult to find out who the visitor is and where they live. Many websites mention that you should never click on links in unknown emails, but this also applies to advertisements. Although Facebook seems like an honest and fair company, it is not certain that all advertisers are. In the worst case, a hacker or cybercriminal can steal your identity and order packages or create new credit cards in your name. Therefore, it is important to protect your identity when exploring new websites, even if it looks great and credible. To protect such information, a VPN can be a good solution. This will keep your identity a secret. Tracking systems and cookies on the visited website are given a completely different IP address and location. In short, this means that the fastest VPN solution protects the users’ identities to avoid identity theft problems. However, a VPN is not good enough if people log in or send information on visited websites. Websites can still track location and identity using cookies. Therefore, it is always wise to block cookies from websites you have never visited before. This can be done easily in the settings of your browser.

Do not post holiday or family information

Many people look forward to the holidays and are happy to post more posts before they leave. Here they tell about where and when they travel. Of course, traveling to a new place is great, and most people want to share this with friends on social media. Who else thinks it’s cool to get such information? Burglars! With such information, they know exactly when and where to strike without risking the resident suddenly returning home. There are countless robberies due to social media posts that tell when people leave and when they return home. In addition, records about the children and where they are staying can be a terrible idea. Several scary situations have been reported because the perpetrators follow what is happening on social media so that they know when to strike. Maybe the kids are home alone at particular times of the day before parents come home from work? A typical post might be, “Look at Ida! She makes muffins for me while I’m at work; so cozy!” Social media was created to share stories and all the fun things that happen in life, but posting specific information about kids being home alone should always be avoided!

Remove party photos and avoid tagging

We all were once young, enjoyed alcohol with friends, and did some crazy things. Today, however, it is more and more common for employers to check out your profile on social media before hiring you. In some cases, employees have also been fired because of things they have posted on social media. This does not necessarily have to be vulgar images but also inappropriate comments and harassment sent in anger over the internet. Here are four simple steps to avoid the issues above:

Use security settings – always block outsiders from viewing posts and other information. Limiting who gets to see what you post on all social platforms is possible. Protect your location – do not allow others to obtain personal information and place of residence. By using the fastest VPN service, the tracks are hidden online from unauthorized persons who intend to misuse your identity. Using a VPN is a good solution for most people. Do not state your whereabouts – whether or not only friends see your posts, you should never state where you are. This especially applies to children and holiday stays. Review posts regularly – it’s a good idea to regularly take care of old posts that put you or others in a bad light. Make sure that inappropriate photos and comments are removed and that people who may be tagged also remove the content.

Everyone should take these important steps to protect their online identity and security.

Things You Do Online That Endanger Your Privacy - 53Things You Do Online That Endanger Your Privacy - 64