Creating WhatsApp stickers is a simple process. We explained the steps involved in creating WhatsApp stickers in this guide, and we also recommended some free applications you can use to create these stickers. Fascinated by some funny Whatsapp sticker packs? You too can create yours, read on to learn how.

Simple Steps To Create WhatsApp Stickers

To create the stickers, we need an application that allows us to create packs. We have opted for Sticker Maker. Sticker Maker is a free application and very easy to use. Follow these simple steps to create your stickers with the app: Following these steps, you will be able to create any number of WhatsApp packages. You can organize them into topics, people, or whatever categories you want. Keep in mind that each time you add a sticker to the package, you must click “Add to WhatsApp” again to use it in your conversations.

3 Free Apps For Creating WhatsApp Stickers on Android Phone

1. Sticker Maker

Sticker Maker, which we used in the tutorial, is a free Android application. It includes all of the necessary tools for creating stickers as well as some interesting extras like intelligent cropping and the ability to add a colored frame. You can also share your packages with friends via WhatsApp and other social networks.

2. Wemoji

Wemoji, which is also available for free in the Google Play Store, is another good option for creating WhatsApp stickers. We should point out that this tool has a large library of text fonts and that it saves the image cuts you’ve already made so that you can reuse them in future stickers.


Finally, the last free application we recommend is, which can also be used to easily create stickers. On this occasion, in addition to creating your stickers and sharing them with other users, you can download thousands of free packages from the app. The creation of WhatsApp stickers with your images and pictures is simple and quick. It’s a great way to have even more fun with the app!

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