More and more organizations, both online and offline, realize the importance of boosting their online brand awareness. Today more and more businesses are hiring professional web design companies to help them create responsive websites. More and more web design companies are coming up to meet the growing demand for their work. It has made the web design landscape highly competitive. There are plenty of opportunities for web design companies, but there is a fair amount of competition. For staying relevant and marketable, you should be ready to provide your web design services globally. Instagram and other social media platforms come into the picture now. You must set up an Instagram account for your web design startup to reach out to all your potential clients. Instagram is a powerful and versatile platform that could offer a fantastic start to your web design startup. We know that clients are using social media platforms, particularly, Instagram with a vengeance. They are using social media to identify brands and businesses that offer the services that they are looking for. It is the right time to focus your attention on Instagram. The robust platform boasts of over 1 billion active users and is regarded as one of the most rapidly growing social media platform. Here are a few hacks to help you actively promote your unique web design startup on this visual platform.

Identify Your Audience

According to experts at, Instagram seems to be a game-changer for numerous businesses. Moreover, since it is visual, free, and with over 1 billion active users, its potential for engaging and reaching the perfect audience is enormous. You need to decide if you are thinking of catering to a specific demographic or addressing diverse audiences. However, since you are a startup, you may not be having an elaborate portfolio of clients. You have a couple of options in such a scenario. Start with a specific niche or demographic you are passionate about, and you know that you are well-equipped with the perfect talent for it. You have the option of branching out later. Consider finding answers to questions like, are you a bit conservative or conventional in your designs. Try to understand if you have a preference for progressive, contemporary, or avant-garde designs. Your preferences should be guiding you while determining or identifying your target audience on Instagram. Alternatively, you may focus on a broader perspective and try to appeal to a relatively more diverse crowd. It could prove to be dicey and necessitate that your advertising, posts, and collaborations are more diverse. You would require putting in a lot more effort. As a web design startup and Instagram newbie, it is best to stick to the first option and start with a niche audience. When you have an impressive and steady following and a robust customer base, you could start broadening your target audience. You may buy 20 Instagram likes whenever you want by seeking assistance from a trustworthy digital marketing company.

Start Posting At Once

Remember that you will not get even one follower or viewer unless you start posting on your Instagram account. Your posts may not be perfect or outstanding initially, but you still need to get started posting your pictures. You may examine the Instagram accounts of renowned web designers and see for yourself the most popular posts. Try to post such content in your Instagram feed. You could learn from such web designing authorities on Instagram and get clear ideas about the kind of posts to be shared to achieve success. You should focus your attention on creating a colorful and impressive portfolio of your designs. Since Instagram is predominantly a visual platform, remember to generate photos that express your value to your precise target audience. You should start getting your portfolio of design samples ready at the earliest.

Focus on Staying Present & Be Consistent

Instagram is a robust platform to promote web design startups and freelance web designers because it is predominantly an image-based platform. Web designers get the opportunity to showcase their portfolio of impressive videos and pictures from their latest web designing projects for attracting the attention of potential clients. You may consider using the super-useful Instagram post scheduler. You should focus on sharing exciting posts, always staying relevant, and knowing all the industry’s recent trends and developments. Finally, do not forget to link to your web design startup’s official website or your portfolio online.


Keep the above tricks in mind for creating an impressive Instagram presence for your startup. Make the most of this visual social media platform. Leverage the engagement potential of Instagram for reaching out to influencers and future clients. Moreover, do not feel shy to browse through and follow Instagram accounts of web design influencers. Following people is not disgraceful. Instagrammers love the idea of being followed because their follower count would be going up. So keep following!