Today, we will take a look at some of the more common iPhone software problems on a wider scale (not just the iOS 13) out there and how to fix them. Just before we dive headlong to see what’s on the plate, we will advise you to always keep your device up to date, as this can help you keep some of the bugs away. That said, let’s take a look at some of the more common iPhone software problems and some of its possible solutions.

Keyboard freezing while typing: One of the more common iPhone software problems that has lingered, this issue occurs intermittently in different iPhones, which is a major source of worry for its owners. If your keypad is freezing intermittently, you can try toggling off Zoom in your phone settings, as this could help take care of this issue and make your device operate more smoothly.

Certain apps not opening up properly: An issue that may spring up from a number of causes, this occasionally happens with iPhones, as certain apps just refuse to open. If you notice this with a particular app, you can try uninstalling the app or better still, reset your smartphone. To do this, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset all settings.


iPhone freezing during update: A bit like the keyboard conundrum, this is an occasional head-scratcher for certain iPhone users. You can bypass this by rebooting your device, then trying the update again.

Battery drain issues: A rather common issue with the iPhone, this glitch may be due to a number of factors, including a new update. You see, when you newly update your iPhone, the new OS needs to go through a number of system operations to bring your device up to date with some of the new features the update may bring. Aside that, a battery that drains quickly may be the result of certain heavy apps or games. If you’ve been battling this issue, you can follow these tips to improve the situation.

  While these tips are helpful with common iPhone software problems, hardware problems need a different approach, as you’d likely need to visit an Apple care center or see a certified technician.     You are reading Mobility Arena, the essential guide for mobile phone users around the world. Be sure to check out our homepage for all the latest news and resources. To be notified of the most important articles and the best smartphone deals, join our WhatsApp Group and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Don’t know where to start? Check out our reviews.  

Common iPhone Software Problems and How To Fix Them   MobilityArena - 99Common iPhone Software Problems and How To Fix Them   MobilityArena - 50